Shooting since 1974, covering some 15 expeditions to Desert, Ocean, Himalaya and Arctic.
Mostly Ektachrome (slides) which leave no margin for error. What you get is what you got.
There's no going back into an Arctic winter hurricane for a reshoot,
when you were lucky to get out alive the first time!

Used the brilliant Olympus OM1 system for 20 years, which always worked perfectly.
The first time I used a Nikon FM2, a deadly Arctic storm washed it into the Ocean.
Today I shoot on Nikon digital, and Mamiya RB67 medium format film.

Images have been published commercially in the UK and Australia, and used
to raise significant funds for medical research by a major London research hospital.

Principal interests are portraits, architecture, and the magic of light.
A major inspiration is Seattle based American portraitist Edward Curtis.
His lifelong dedication preserved the beauty and dignity of Native Americans.
Unique, empathic photographic techniques capture the soul of an early nation.
Reminds us what the mature human spirit really looks like.